Dr. Tsong-Ming Lin became the President of Nanhua University in January, 2013. He obtained his PhD in industrial management from Clemson University, U.S.A. As a scholar and expert in his field, President Lin has a long record of winning great respect from his peers and colleagues. In 2009, he was asked to join the Ministry of Education as the Political Deputy Minister. Prior to taking up his position in government, President Lin had been the President of National Yunlin University of Science and Technology for almost 8 years. As President of Nanhua University, he has presided over a remarkable transformation on campus, focusing on life education, environmental sustainability, intellectual innovation, and the Three Acts of Goodness initiative. In addition, President Lin being honored in 2015 with the Outstanding Administration Achievement Award and the outstanding contribution award in 2021 on Life Education by the Ministry of Education, Nanhua University was also the recipient of the Life Education School with Distinction award and selected to be the location for the establishment of the National Life Education Center, a government-commissioned project. President Lin has a distinguished record in his advocacy of issues related to climate change, carbon reduction, vegetarianism, and sustainable development. He received the Sustainable Development World Pilot Hero Award by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2012 and the National honorable award in the sustainability by EPA, Taiwan in 2021. President Lin also received the First Class Professional Education – Culture Medal by the Ministry of Education. President Lin’s unwavering commitment to caring and serving the underprivileged community, giving back to society, and ensuring that the disadvantaged are not left behind, are exceptional. He has led by example through his work in showing that kindheartedness radiates to all those around us.
Dr. Tsong-Ming Lin |
Education |
Ph. D. in Industrial Management, Clemson University, SC, U.S.A. (1974-1977)
Executive Program, IMD in Switzerland (July - August, 1987)
Executive Program, London School of Business, U.K. (May - July, 1987)
Visiting Scholar, London School of Economics, U.K. (January - April, 1987)
Honorary Doctor, Otgontenger University, Mongolia (September, 2011)
Experience |
President of Nanhua University (January, 2013-present)
Civil Servants Protection and Training Commission committee member (2011-2018)
Political Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education (September, 2009-January, 2013)
Administrative Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education (February - September, 2009)
President, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology (2001-2009)
Director General, Employment and Vocational Training Administration, Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan (1994-2001)
Director General, Department of Technological and Vocational Education, Ministry of Education (1989-1994)
Director General, Bureau of Solid Waste Control, Environmental Protection Administration (1987-1989)
Dean of Students, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (1986-1987)
Professor and Department Head, Department of Industrial Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (1982-1986)
Associate Professor, Department Head, Department of Industrial Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (1979-1982)
Senior Assistant to the president, Rico Chemical Corporation, Puerto Rico, Formosa Plastic Corporation Groups (1977-1979)
Professional Society Services |
President of Green University Union of Taiwan (2019.8-present)
Boarder of Hsing Tian Kong Groups(2018.9-present)
President of Chinese Life Magnetic Science Association (2018.04-2022.05)
Chairman, LOHAS Organic Farming Association Of Taiwan (2019.05-present)
Chairman of Testing Center for Technologyical and Vocatonal Education Board (2016.9-present)
Chairman, Accreditation Committee, IEET (2018-2021)
President of Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan ( 2013.7-2018)
President of Green Life Association, Taiwan (2013.7-present)
Chair of Management counseling committee, Chinese Institute of Management Science, Taiwan (2002-present)
International Journal of Production Economics editor committee (2000-present)
President of Industrial Education Association (2008-2010)
President of APIEMS (2007-2008)
President of Technological and Vocational Institute, Taiwan(2006-2010)
President of Global Talentrepreneur innovation and Collaboration(2006-2010)
President of Nature Life Education Institute(2006-2010)
President of Human Resource Development Institute, Taiwan(2003-2006)
President of CIIE (1995-1998, 2003-2006)
President of the International Employment security Society, Taiwan (1995-2003)
Secretary-General, CIIE ( 1983-1986)
Deputy Secretary General, CIIE (1979-1982)
Honors and Awards |
Award for the International Social Service Contribution Award from the the American Natural Medicine Association from De Paul University (2023)
Award for Lifetime Achievement Award from Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers founded in 1962, Taiwan. (2022)
Award for the Top Honorary Award: Environmental Protection Professional Medal from the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, 2021.
Award for Life Education Special Contribution Award, Minister of Education, 2021.
Award for Business Quality Excellence 3-Star Award and the Asian ANQ Recognition for Excellence in Quality Practice, 2021.
Award for Honorary Environmental Protection Enterprise Award; the 2021 Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Award (TCSA) – a Silver Award for the Corporate Sustainability Report; the Taiwan Outstanding Sustainable University Award, 2021.
Award for Art Education Contribution Award" by the Ministry of Education twice, 2021.
Award for the official accreditation as an “Environmental Education Organization” and an “Environmental Education Facility Provider”, 2020.
Award for the Enterprise Environmental Protection Awards: Gold Award for the third consecutive year, 2019-2021.
Award for the ranked 401-600 worldwide for three consecutive years , 2020-2022 and 14th in Taiwan (2021) by the Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings.
Award for the National Sustainable Development Awards from the Executive Yuan, Taiwan, 2018.
Award for National Quality Award , 2018.
Award for the “Art Education Contribution Award” by the MOE, 2017-2021.
Outstanding Administration Achievement Award on Life Education, Minister of Education, R.O.C., 2015
Outstanding Contribution Award, Chinese Innovation & Invention Society, 2014
First Class Professional Education-Culture Medal, Minister of Education, R.O.C., 2013
Fellow, Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering And Management Systems, 2013
Sustainable Development, World Pilot Hero Award, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 2012
Award for Lifetime Service to Technological and Vocational Education, The Association for Technological and Vocational Education in the Republic of China (ATVE), 2011
Fellowship Award, Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Taiwan, 2010
Academic Achievement Award, China Education Society, Taiwan, 2009
Soka University Award of Highest Honor, Japan, 2007
Outstanding Contribution Award for 2007 IT Education and TANET, MOE, ROC, 2007
Special Contribution Award for the 1st National HRD InnoPrize, the ROC Executive Yuan, 2005
List in Biography Today, 2005
Award of the Outstanding Contribution for the Education, MOE, ROC, 2004
Honorable Award for Outstanding Civil Servant, the ROC Executive Yuan, 2000
Award for Outstanding Contributions of the Third Order for September 21, 1999 Earthquake Disaster, the ROC Executive Yuan, 2000
Award for Outstanding Contribution from International Employment Security
Association, USA, 1998
Dr. K-T Li's Management Award, Chinese Management Association, ROC, 1998
Outstanding Service Award, Chinese Industrial Vocational Education Society, ROC, 1994
Engineering Award, Chinese Industrial Engineering Society, ROC, 1989
Elsevier Science Publishers, Engineering Cost and Production Economics, Netherland, 1989-2009
Top Ten Distinguished Young Engineers Award, Chinese Institute of Engineers Society, ROC, 1983
ROC Specialist Delegate to Japan-Asia Productivity Organization, ROC, 1998
Publications |
Over 150 research papers in Industrial Management & Engineering and Technological Education.